Great to see you

Great, you landed at my contact page. So you should consider contacting me!

You want me for lectures and talks

I am in! Please contact me with some details about the organizer, the topic and the planned dates.

You are interested in hiring me

Wow I’m totally flattered - I am happy to talk but have to set expectations as right now I’m very happy with my career.

You need help with your project

Great, consider me as a potential help for your project. Even so right now I don’t do freelancing, I am always open to act as sparringspartner, input giver and to exchange..

You are interested in my open source projects?

Great - I love to share my projects with the world. For my most requested projects I published a documentation website .

Feel free to contact me.

There are several options for you to get in contact with me. I totally appreciate every effort you make, even if it is just to say "hi".

Can I find you on LinkedIn?


Can I find you on Twitter?


I just want to say hello…


I want to write you an email?


Beyond this?

Well, as I am a "Tech guy" there are of course several more platforms where you can find out more about my work and publications.